Class Drawings
Over the last 80 years we have no doubt produced masts for nearly every dinghy class that has ever been built. As a result of this, we have archives of drawings built up over the years, ranging from full A0 Fairey Aviation plans to scraps of paper with successful rig designs on for development classes, such as the International 14.
Below is a small selection of the more popular small boat designs we hold, and even if your class is not listed, there is a very good chance we could find it somewhere in our archives.
Freeland Yacht Spars are one of a few businesses left in the Marine Industry with the traditional ways of respect their customers. The respect comes from all levels within the business and I very much enjoy placing and order to receiving a quality mast delivered by very pleasant drivers which makes such a difference these days and an inspiration to all.
Mr Tony Smee - Folkboat UK