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Mast Repairs and Restorations

At Collars, we embrace  all wooden spars, both old and new, and over the years we have seen every degree of damage whether caused by accidents or simply neglect. Repairing a spar well is a specialist job, and something we're pleased to undertake. Putting a damaged spar back into service is just as rewarding as making it from new, and often it's the right thing to do when there is an amount of history involved with the boat and rig. One project involved cutting a large spar in two down the middle to move solids and inset electrical conduits, and to find the initials of all the spar makers next to the date it was closed up made us feel quite humble.


To repair or replace is often a dilemma we're faced with. Every spar is different, the nature of the problem is different, and the overall complexity needs to be addressed on an individual basis. Quite often it becomes a false economy to look at repairing a spar where there is a likelihood that further problems will occur. A good example of this is failed glue lines. If one side of the spar has failed and is repaired, the likelihood is that the other side will fail the following season, possibly followed by the scarfs. Splitting a mast in two to re-glue is all very well, but the clamping pressure in the middle of a round spar when re-assembling creates it's own problems.  The best advice is to speak to us.

Modern glues have improved tremendously from old, but the best advice is little-and-often maintenance. If the varnish is 'let to go' the work to bring it back to it's former glory is plentiful and often by then the damage has been done.

The mast is a work of functional art! To achieve total functionality combined with a high tactile and visual merit is rare; but has been done in this case. … A business which provides a formal service combining craftsmanship and a responsive design. This was of great value to me as a customer.

Brigadier Charles B Telfer CBE

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